Unlimited training
Enjoy unlimited training with access to all our group classes for just $118 every fortnight. That's less than $60 per week for full access!
Partner Deal
If you and a friend join up together you pay only $98 each a fortnight. That is a great saving! Grab your best-friend, boy-friend, other half, significant other and train as two.
Fortnightly Special
Unlock the freedom to attend any four classes every fortnight for just $45 a week! Dive into your favorite activities without breaking the bank.
10 Pack
Pack of 10 classes for $275 to use over over 3 months.
Student Special
Students only pay $60 fortnight for unlimited classes.
Yoga and Pilates
Elevate your well-being with our exclusive Yoga and Mat Pilates Memberships! Single Class is $20 or a bundle of 10 classes for only $150! The more you move, the more you save.
Free classes
Want to get a feel for Foundation Fitness and Wellbeing?
Meet the trainers?
Experience the classes?
We have a 7 day free pass which gives you access to over 30 group classes a week.
You can try the following classes
Strength and Conditioning,
Core Yoga
Mat Pilates
See how it fits before you buy!
Joining information
We have no joining fees or lock in contracts.
Payments are automatically deducted on a fortnightly basis.
Two weeks notice is required to cancel memberships.
Memberships can be put on hold for holidays for two or more weeks if requested. Fortnightly payments will be adjusted to reflect that period.
Missed classes can be made up in the next fortnight.