On a fresh Queensland winter's day, we hosted our mid-year retreat to reflect up on our aspirations and recalibrate goals.
Nestled in the enchanting backdrop of the Sunshine Coast hinterland, over 20 cherished guests joined us to take part in this event.
Everyone embraced the day, immersing themselves in an invigorating hike, a fireside pilates session, yoga and meditation practice and an inspiring vision boarding class.
It was a day dedicated to embracing nature, harnessing our inner potential and creating a fresh path ahead.
Our Hosts for the day
Foundation Fitness and Wellbeing trainers - Lee, Kirsten and Mel - hosted a program of activities to help guests connect with their body and mind while relaxing in the natural environment around them.
Reflecting and resetting goals is a valuable practice for personal growth and development.
Taking the time to step back, evaluate progress, and set new intentions can lead to improved focus and motivation moving forward.
Reflect and Reset
June 2023