Meet trainer Lee

Hot chip lover, Life long learner, Scottish Smiling Yogie

Foundation Fitness and Wellbeing trainer Lee takes pilates and core yoga classes

Lee has so many health and fitness qualifications to her name we can’t list them all here.

She just loves learning and some of her qualifications include Les Mills International Instructor, Yoga, Mat Pilates, Thump Boxing, and even a Splashdance qualification.

She loves a good dress up aerobics class which many of our members have gone all out for.

She won a natural Body Building competition and awarded the title of Ms Trained Figure and competed in the British Finals in 2008.

To learn more about Lee scroll down further.

I became a Personal Trainer because..

I love learning and wanted another string to my bow.

At the time I was interested in teaching people one-on-one, and I also wanted to study in Australia as most of my prior fitness learning was done in the U.K.

“Foundation Fitness and Wellbeing is different from other studios and gyms because you get to know the member and connect with them one-on-one.

You don’t just learn their name, you to get to know them personally.”


My favourite exercise is?
That’s hard as I love exercise and moving in general but if I had to choose then it’s Aerobics.

I love choreographing a fun routine to music, it makes me feel happy and bouncy!

Aerobics was my first love when it comes to exercise.

My least favourite exercise is….
Running even though I have completed two full marathons - that is 42km.

My favourite piece of equipment is …
I can’t decide between the Lat Pull down or the seated Row.

The thing I love the most about my job is …
Connecting with people and the fact that t it has a lot of variety so I rarely get bored!

Most people don’t know this but ...
I’ve won a natural Body Building competition when I was 29, and was given the title of Ms Trained Figure and was invited to compete in the British Finals in 2008.

Best pieces of advice - I have two for my personal life and career.

Do what you love and you will never WORK a day in your life!

”Nothing ever stays the same”

This advice given at a Mother and baby group for new mums. Thankfully nothing stays the same, because as we know baby’s grow out of sleepless nights, teething and nappies. Thank god for that!

Things I love about the Sunshine Coast?

I call it Paradise! I love the mix of the mountains and spectacular beaches.

I love to walk the beautiful Coastline, its simply stunning. Growing up I always dreamed of a life like this.

The weather is mostly awesome but can get a little too hot for me.

The people are really friendly and quite laid back. 

The most interesting fad in the fitness industry over the years has been -
The Reebok Slide.

It didn’t last long but I loved it so much I travelled 30mins to the only gym I knew that had it! I loved it!

It was a lateral training athletic program on a sliding mat.

I live by the mantra - Always be prepared!

 I can’t live without my - My special PILLOW – I have neck issues!

I am inspired by positive people, and people who make things happen even when all odds seem stacked against them.

What is the key to your wellbeing? My positive disposition, and not giving in to all my favourite things. Also I need adequate sleep.


The worst excuse for not turning up to training is -

I forgot!

How do you find the energy even when you don’t feel it?
I have to fake it, and then once I begin the energy comes and I get energy from other people.

Tips to help someone stay focused.
Focus on the prize - what do you most want? How will you feel when you have what you most want?

Imagine you already have what you most want – tell me how that feels and smells for you, and in detail tell me what emotions you have now that you have achieved your goal.

If I won $1 million in the lottery I would pay off the house, travel Europe, UK and America and help someone in need like my family and friends.

If I had to choose sleep or working out I would choose sleep. I get really grumpy if I don’t sleep so I would choose sleep or short workout and a nana nap.

In my spare time I like to spend time with my fiance Dean and daughter Billie, being outdoors, walking, cycling, surfing, or watching Netflix.

If you had the chance to go back in time what would you do differently?
I would pay more attention in High School. I didn’t really try hard as I found school boring.

I would also be more confident and believe in myself more.

The thing I am most proud of is being a Mum.

What happens when you personally don’t work out?
I get down in the dumps, I can go a few days without exercise but then I start to feel low, dull, I lack energy and I get stiff and sore.

The main reason I exercise is for the feel-good factor. Exercise makes me feel alive and happy.

Any serious injuries over the years?
I fell on a flight of stairs and hurt my neck badly. I was told I had a whip lash injury, my neck hasn’t been the same since.

Winter or summer?
Autumn and Spring are my favourite seasons in Australia. Summer is my favourite in the U.K.

Sits up or pull ups?
Sit-ups, I LOVE most core exercises.

Rower, ski machine or Assault Bike? I really like the Rower

My guilty obsession is…white wine, hot chips, and Thai food and Netflix.

Do you play any team sports?
No but when I watch my Daughter playing Netball and Volleyball, I often wish I did, as its so exciting AND I love all the different skills involved.

Should men and women train differently?
They should do the kind of exercise that they love, that way they will do it and stick to it.

Generally (but not always) men are stronger when it comes to weight training but I know a lot of men who prefer outdoor exercise and would never enter a gym.

To stay consistent I set non-negotiable goals such as I will exercise a minimum four times a week and anything extra is a bonus.

Meet the Trainers